The Safes

"It's True" by The Safes
A Baby Pony Food Production
Produced and Directed by David Combs and Ben Epstein
Cinematography by Ben Epstein and Alec Pugliese
Editing and Effects by Ben Epstein
Starring Rebecca Prucha as the Moth and Unsuspecting Victim #17
Co-starring David Combs, Benjamin Epstein, Alec Pugliese and Chris Mantz as the nefarious TV producers

Also featuring, in order of appearance: Bob Donahue, Amanda Wilson, Reese Higgins, Lizz Mazer, Jay Johnson, Hakeem and the Fam, Tulane Simpson, Dag Yeshiwas, Stranger on the Street, Ariana Stone, Christy Summers, Mike Liszewski, Some Children and their Parents.

Costume design by Rebecca Prucha
Special thanks to Arthur Noll and Dustin Roddy!

© 2019 Action Weekend Records and Bickerton Records